Multilingual Resources/Recursos multilingües/Tài nguyên đa ngôn ngữ/多语言资源
The North Santa Clara RCD offers technical assistance for Chinese speaking growers. To request a site visit, call 408-320-7565. 北圣克拉拉资源保护区 (NSCRCD) 为讲中文的种植者提供技术支持。若要请求现场访问,请拨打电话 408-320-7565。
Publications and resources in Chinese (中文出版物和资源) :
- Pesticide Management 农药管理 (Credit to: Central Coast Farms - UCCE):
- What to expect during a pesticide headquarters inspection. 如何应对农药总部检查。
- Pesticde handler and employee training. 农药处理人员和员工培训。
- Insect pest management in vegetable crops. 蔬菜作物中的虫害管理。
- Disease management in vegetable crops. 蔬菜作物中的病害管理。
- Soil Health-Unlock Your Farm's Potential: Discover the Cover Soil Health fact sheet 土壤健康—释放您的农场潜力:探索土壤覆盖健康资料表 (Credit to: USDA-NRCS)
- Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Fact Sheet 环境质量激励计划情况说明书 (Credit to: USDA-NRCS)
- Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP): Is EQIP Right For Me? Fact Sheet 环境质量激励计划适合我吗?(Credit to: USDA-NRCS)
For resources and more languages, please use this link:
Para obtener recursos y más idiomas, utilice este enlace:
Để biết tài nguyên và nhiều ngôn ngữ khác, vui lòng sử dụng liên kết này:
리소스와 더 많은 언어를 보려면 다음 링크를 사용하십시오:
- (Credit to: USDA)