Developing a South Bay Watershed Group: Information and Resources
In December 2020, various watershed stakeholders, including GCRCD, gathered to discuss the possibility of developing a broad-based stakeholder-driven watershed group for the South Bay. We created this page to share links to educational information and resources as a way to inform stakeholders and other potential participants. This page is a living document, so please feel free to refer other links to us that would be beneficial to this stakeholder-driven effort.
Meetings and Workshops:
- Peninsula-South Bay Watershed Forum Watershed Management Initiative - Land Use Subgroup Workshop - 1/25/21: “Connecting the Dots”: Future Planning and Action in Peninsula and South Bay Watersheds
- WaterSMART Grant Application Development Meeting - 12/21/20
Potential grant opportunities to fund the development of a watershed group:
- WaterSMART Cooperative Watershed Management Program Phase I Grants Funding Announcement
- NOAA FY2021 to FY2023 Broad Agency Announcement
Watershed Management Iniative (WMI):
- State Water Resources Control Board's Watershed Management Resource Page
- Santa Clara Basin WMI
- Santa Clara Basin Watershed Action Plan
Valley Water:
GCRCD Streams Stakeholder Meeting (held July 28, 2015)
- Agenda
- Facilitator Notes
- Creek Priority List (per participants)
- GCRCD Stakeholder Interests Compared to SCVWD Integrated Water Planning (Prepared by Mendenhall after the meeting)
- Next Steps: Potential Collaborative Steering Committee
Guadalupe River Corridor Management Plan (a stakeholder group for this has been convened by Valley Water):
- Science Panel Recommendation: River Corridor Management Plan
- Overview of the 2011 RCMP Recommendations
California Watershed Groups Examples:
- Alameda Creek Alliance
- Alpine Watershed Group
- Coastal Watershed Council
- Council for Watershed Health
- Mid Klamath Watershed Council
- Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coaltion
- Scott River Watershed Council
- Sonoma County Water Coalition
- Southern California Water Coalition
- Stewardship Council
- Truckee River Watershed Council
- Ventura River Watershed Council