Process for Appointment to NSCRCD
As Reported by NSCRCD Board President Hare
Date for Regular Appointments: First November meeting of the Board of Supervisors for full-board appointment, with a resolution that the appointment(s) are effective at noon on the last Friday in November (Division 9, Section 9355).
2024 Dates: Nov. 5 Board of Supervisors Meeting
Appointment(s) effective noon Friday, November 29
(Public Resource Code, Division 9, Sections 9314 to 9317).”
· The five Directors of NSCRCD are appointed to serve staggered 4-year terms by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. Regular terms expire in even numbered years. In 2024, the terms of three directors expire. In 2026, the terms of two directors will expire, and so on.
· Directors who desire to serve an additional term may notify the Executive Director of NSCRCD before the end of September in the year their term would otherwise expire. Notification may be done by email.
· Directors who do not desire to serve an additional term shall notify both the Board of Supervisor’s President care of the Records Unit at, and the Executive Director of NSCRCD before the end of September in the year their term would otherwise expire. Notification may be done by email. The notification may include words to the effect, “I, _______, do not seek an additional term on the North Santa Clara Resource Conservation District. The expiration of my term is noon on the last Friday in November of this year, but does not constitute a vacancy. I understand that I shall hold office until my successor has qualified (Public Resource Code, Division 9, Section 9314).”
- County Clerk's Office maintains a web portal for boards and commissions applications year-round. In September, they will notify the Board of Supervisors (Board of Supervisors) of anticipated board and commission vacancies. The Clerk's office does no other recruitment or outreach.
- NSCRCD is encouraged to recruit members to the district board. The first action of anyone interested in applying is to complete the special district application on the Boards and Commissions website. - In addition to any other recruitment efforts, NSCRCD may consider writing a notice to distribute to members of Board of Supervisors with a request to include the notice in the district newsletters.
· Les Clark, Deputy Clerk, is the functional contact for this process.
- NSCRCD may produce a supplemental application and request that applicants complete this supplemental application; however, it is not to be construed as mandatory.
- NSCRD is encouraged to include the list of Division 9 qualifications with the supplemental application as well as the agent assignment form. Applicants should be asked to affirm they meet the qualifications.
- To ensure that all potential candidates are considered, every time there is a vacancy, the Clerk's Office will send the NSCRCD Executive Director all applicants for the last two years.
- The Clerk's Office will forward all additional applications as they are submitted until the vacancies are filled.
Verification and Recommendation:
- After NSCRCD receives the applications from the Deputy Clerk, it will confirm (and document) the applicant's continued interest to serve, and request that the supplemental information be completed and returned.
- NSCRCD will send the list of confirmed applicants back to the Deputy Clerk for the Deputy Clerk to assess whether or not an applicant meets the Division 9 requirements, including checking voter registration as well as residency in the District. Applicants who are not qualified will be notified by the Deputy Clerk, who will copy NSCRCD Executive Director.
· The NSCRCD board may, and is encouraged to, interview candidates at a public meeting. This meeting may be a special meeting held the second or third week of October.
· While there is no cut-off date for applications, NSCRCD may impose a final date after which applicants will not be eligible for interview by NSCRCD. This deadline will ensure that there is time to review all applications with the same diligence and to schedule interviews.
o Applications must be received by the first Monday in October in order to be interviewed.
- The NSCRCD board may, and is encouraged to, vote on and to provide to the Board of Supervisors a list of recommended candidates to fill the vacancies. This list may include incumbents who seek an additional term. The vote may be held during the special meeting at which candidates are interviewed.
· Communications to the Board of Supervisors regarding any recommendations should be sent to Board of Supervisors President care of the Records Unit at no later than the last Tuesday in October so that the recommendations can be included in the Board package for the November meeting.
- NSCRCD will send to the County Clerk's Office any completed supplemental applications along with NSCRCD's assessment of Division 9 qualifications in bulk at the end of the process.
- The NSCRCD recognizes that it is solely up to the Board of Supervisors to accept some, all, or none of the recommended candidates.
2024 Dates: Application deadline for Interviews, October 7, 2024.
Special meeting, the week of October 14
Recommendations from NSCRCD due to County Clerk’s Office the week of October 21. Date to be confirmed by Clerk’s Office.